Decaf Irish Coffee?

With the holiday season approaching, you’re probably already scouring the Internet for the best homemade recipes, favorite Christmas songs, and gift wrapping ideas. If you’ve been racking your brains about that special festive drink, we’ve got an answer – Decaf Irish Coffee. This sharp, earthy-flavored cocktail will warm you to your toes and represents the ultimate festive beverage choice.
The Origin of Irish Coffee
The origin of Irish coffee dated back to 1943, when Joe Sheridan, a chef at Foynes Port, one of the chief airbases in Ireland at the time, wanted to warm and warm-up and delight the passengers with something hot and vigorous after their flight got delayed due to bad weather. And the rest is history.
However, there are variations on the theme. In the mid-19th century, coffee cocktails served in a glass, topped with whipped cream were served in Vienna’s most prominent coffee houses. Germany and Denmark also had their respective versions, as well as France, where the mixture of coffee and spirits was termed a ‘gloria’.
Yet, such an intricate drink as Irish Coffee has a pretty simple recipe. Namely, you need four parts hot coffee, two parts Irish whiskey, some brown sugar, all stirred into a pre-heated mug or a glass and topped with whipped heavy cream.
Why Choose Decaf?
In the last few years, there’s been a lot of talk about the pros of going decaf. Caffeine, although offering considerable benefits, such as boosting our mood, physical and mental performance, and metabolism.
However, as caffeinated beverages, mainly coffee and tea, are nowadays a regular part of our daily routine, many people are facing developing sensitivity to caffeine.
There are many side effects of caffeine, from general anxiety, insomnia, and fatigue to high blood pressure, increased heart rate, digestive problems, and finally, addiction.
Benefits of Going Decaf
Decaffeinated, or decaf, implies coffee beans that have at least 97% of the caffeine removed from them, using different methods such as water, organic solvent, or carbon dioxide. Except for the caffeine content and somewhat milder taste and smell, decaf coffee is pretty much the same as the regular, caffeinated one.

Therefore, decaf coffee is an excellent choice for all those looking to decrease or end their caffeine intake. Even so, decaf is an excellent choice for everyone who wishes to enjoy the rich, pungent taste of coffee, but do not want to consume caffeine.
Besides, going decaf is a fine choice for late-night talks, book reading, or binging your favorite TV show, as there is no caffeine to give you that artificial energy boost. Overall, you’ll be more in tune with your body and its needs, unmasked by the false stimulating effect coffee brings about.
Decaf coffee is brimming with antioxidants and nutrients, and research has shown a positive correlation with a lowered risk of diabetes type 2, neurodegenerative diseases, rectal cancer, and heartburn.
How to Choose Decaf Alternatives?
When setting out to explore the world of decaf, it is crucial to take your time and find the one(s) that will most benefit your health, body, and energy. As world-renowned brands recognized the need for offering consumers a decaf option, the market is now brimming with safely processed, high quality decaf alternatives.
Research the coffee beans’ origin, method of decaffeination, roasting process, nutrient content, and of course, choose your preferred flavor.
Which Decaf Coffee Is Best For Irish Coffee?
To get that vintage, crispy taste of the genuine Irish coffee, go with a mid-range, mild- to sweet-finish whiskey, with around 40% of alcohol by volume.
Jameson is probably the most well-known Irish whiskey, whose spicy sweetness will create the traditional, classic Irish coffee. For an additional festive spirit, Bushmills Black Bush with the scent of dried fruits and home spices will give that extra layer of holiday perfection. The oaky and fruity flavor of Green Spot whiskey is the best for all those wanting a milder, lighter version of Irish coffee.

How Should You Enjoy Your Homemade Irish Coffee?
Its simplicity is divine, soothing, lavish with taste and temperature contrasts as sweet, crispy whiskey, mixed with the bitter, scorching coffee, slides through the ice-cold cream spread on top.
Play further on the festive line and serve Irish coffee with some shortbread biscuits, or pair it up with oatmeal cookies, to continue the Irish theme.
But mind you – neither your whiskey should be too heavy, nor coffee too strong, and above all, for a perfect, traditional Irish coffee, you should not add any spices. Save them for some other holiday beverages, because classic Irish coffee definitely needs no additions to be splendid.