Western Gold Bourbon Review
By Richard Thomas
Rating: C-

(Credit: Lidl)
Thanks to Jim Murray, generic supermarket whiskeys have been getting more attention in the last couple of years, and some have shown themselves to be very economical, good value buys. With that in mind, I decided to tackle a bourbon I have heretofore seen stocked only by Lidl, Western Gold.
I did so with some misgivings, however, based on my knowledge and what I saw on the label. First, I kept in mind that what constitutes “bourbon” outside of the United States isn’t the same thing as at home. Early Times, for example, is “Kentucky Whiskey” in America, but “Kentucky Bourbon” everywhere else, this being because Brown-Forman can get away with calling it bourbon abroad, despite its used barrel whiskey content.
This whiskey is bottled by a German company for Lidl, and they aren’t saying where the liquor within came from. I don’t know whether it’s true blue bourbon or not, but certainly one has grounds for wondering.
The other thing that gave me misgivings was the added caramel noted on the label, a sure sign of a very young product that required coloring to look like proper bourbon. Furthermore, Western Gold is blatantly packaged as a Jim Beam knock-off, what with the white label and Beam-style bottle.
The Bourbon
The signature characteristic of this whiskey is how flat it is. It’s not really bad, just supremely bland. The liquid (40% abv) is not astringent or harsh, but the corn sweetness and vanilla notes one might expect from even a younger bourbon are quite faint. They are faint in the nose, faint on the palate, and the finish barely registers.
Once again, I have to wonder if this isn’t “Kentucky Bourbon” in the same way Early Times is, because even not-straight bourbon usually gets more out of being in new oak. After sampling the whiskey for this article, both neat and on ice, I have decided it’s not of much use to me except as a mixer or as cooking whiskey.
The Price
My bottle of Western Gold cost a mere €8. At that price, the whiskey is actually worth it. I have read that in the UK it runs £12 to £14, and that is definitely too pricey for what it is.
I have for more than two years enjoyed Western Gold Bourbon. I live inCopenhagen Denmark and bought my bourbon in Lidl Market. Now they don’t have it anymore and I miss myWestern Gold Bourbon. Can anyone tell me where else to buy it in Denmark? Or will they ship it to me here?
Lidl still carries Western Gold, so if they aren’t selling it in your local Lidls it’s a local thing. If you asked them to, they might bring it back.
In most European counties LIDl have it. Probably your local just don’t do it.
Thank you. I will call them and ask ;o)
Have you tried the 6 year old version? It’s much better.
I don’t like this version, but 6 year old version is amazing! Actually it’s better than Jim Beam to me…
I missed a chance to pick up and try the 6 YO version, but I keep my eyes open whenever I’m at Lidl, hoping for another.
I live in Corinthos Greece and bought my bourbon in Lidl Market. Now they don’t have it anymore and I miss myWestern Gold Bourbon. Can anyone tell me where else to buy it in Greece? Or will they ship it to me here?
Now Lidl sells it in Italy for € 5.99. It seems quite a fair price to me.
6.99 Now in Italy.
I paid 43 lei in Romania, an euro is almost 4,5 lei. So it’s what? 9,5 euro ? I tried the black label one, ( 6 years old ). I am not an expert but my first hit in the senses of my mouth was similar to the home made romanian smoked prune moonshine. That I liked ! But indeed, after it passed my throat, that is a lil bit sensitive since I have some acid throat issues, it felt blunt. I tried it ice, the first sip was better but then, water thinned it more blunt. I’d give the same, price-quality point. After a while, all felt good, since alcohol in the blood makes all the s**t tasty good 🙂 Gents don’t get drunk but I am not a gent 🙂 Drink responsible, I am weak to alcohol, get drunk pretty fast with small amounts !
As a romanian for it’s price it’s good and decent (5 euros). I have not tried the 6 yr old version yet .
It seems to be some kind of Jeam Beam rip-off but at this price it’s dam good, it’s more than you can ask from it, it really tastes good. I served some of my friends with 1 glass ,they couldn’t belive it that it costs only 5 euros……( I guess that it’s amaizing and unexpected ) Lidl Market it’s the only one who sells it . I rather make cocktails with it although it’s pretty good straight from the bottle.
Its true, thumbs up !
Discovered it 3 weeks ago (SE Poland), good for its price!
now then im a yorkshire lad (england ) and i like a tipple (drink) western gold ? after a few beers proper ones real ales and ciders no mass produced beers really enjoyed this smooth yes tasty yes classic ? but will def be buying this again
This is NOT a Kentucky straight bourbon because of the added caramel.
This is a flavored whiskey because of the caramel AND since the source of the distillate is unknown. It is highly unlikely it came from the US, where bourbon is legally required to be made.
If you had read the article, you would understand where you are mistaken.
I like Bourbon. Jim Beam is my Bourbon of choice but I am getting fed up of paying over the odds in France. I’m no expert but Western Gold is a great alternative. Nice flavours and easy to drink. At less than 10 euro a bottle is an excellent alternative. I drink it with own brand diet coke and as a bedtime tipple it’s absolutely fine.
What can i say about this Western Gold Bourbon Whiskey????
It is rotten in my opinion. I purchased it from Lidl in Ireland. I see that most reviews are from it been purchased in Lidl. It’s a cheap Bourbon Whiskey and you can tell that by the first mouthful of it. When you open the bottle and take a good smell of it, it smells like it’s ok of a drink. But once you take the first shot of it, you soon realize that it is horrible. You get what you pay for when buying a whiskey.
In saying that, this cost me €14.99 for a 70cl bottle which is very cheap for Irish prices.
I can safely say that I’ll never buy this piss water again.
Just bought a bottle from Lidl in Portugal for €8. Definatly a bit rougher than my usual Single barrel or Gentleman Jack but at least a quarter of the price it’s not too bad at all
Certainly not a bad choice for mixers, but I’d never drink it straight.
I have been sampling supermarket whisky, whiskey and bourbon brands and comparing them to the standard brands.
The review here has not really explained at what level this bourbon is.
If you have tried standard Jack Daniels and Jim Beam then you know the difference between them. Well, Western Gold sits halfway between JD and TB. It has that oily smokiness you expect from a sour mash bourbon but also some of the lighter notes and smoothness of the straight bourbon.
It is a pleasant enough sipper but not enough complexity for experienced drinkers. On the rocks or with a little soda it sweetens a little but still offers up its full taste. Some of the smoky engineering notes are lost though.
Mixers will turn it into a sweet drink so be careful. I advise adding a small volume of ginger ale or cola and then thinning out with some soda and ice. Diluting it heavily with Cola or Ginger will drown out much of the taste but it serves well if you are more into alcopop than spirits.
At the price point of around £15.00 you are getting a versatile and authentic tasting bourbon at rotgut prices. Well done Lidl.
Good man Mick. Fellow Irish man here living in Bulgaria and I confirm that you are not taking the piss regarding Western Union Bourbon. On Offer this week in Lidl at 4 euro 50 cent.Wont be buying anytime soon but will buy few bottles of Irish Black Bush on offer in another store a@14 euro.The Real Mc Coy !
I am not taking the piss but will be doing a lot of it after lowering a few drams of this Liquid Gold. Slawnte and cmon Tipp for the Covid Mc Carthy Cup !!!
Bought it from Lidl, Romania, for about 8,9€ .
When i opened the bottle, smelled like a JD on steroids. The flavour of smoked, caramel it seems pumped up, but on the ice is not that bad. If you drink it on rocks and adding coke, it becomes sweet and vanilla flavour will come up.
I’m more a fan of irish Jameson and Jack D flavours, but regardin price vs what you get, this whiskey worth it.
It’s good for a shot of bourbon. Something that you enjoy like been in a Western, without so much expectations, but worthly for a while
I normally have Jack Daniels No 7 , but find Western Gold very good for the price , and would buy it again.