Ole Smoky Blue Flame Moonshine Review
By Richard Thomas
Rating: B+

(Credit: Richard Thomas)
Moonshine has a reputation for being rocket fuel. In truth, illicit moonshine often is fairly high octane stuff and for sound economic reasons. Although stories of white lightning being distilled so high as to be able to run a car off it are usually just that, stories, the proof often is high because it’s easier to haul and sell stronger stuff.
Old Smoky Blue Flame is a legal moonshine that hits that high octane spirit nicely. Bottled at 128 proof (64% ABV), it’s nothing if not strong. Yet it’s not actually rocket fuel, in that it’s surprisingly palatable, despite it’s potency.
I have read that this legal, Gatlinburg-made hooch is a corn and sugar shine, although I wasn’t able to confirm that by press time.
The Moonshine
Although it’s light blue in the jar, the liquid is quite clear in the glass. The nose is sweet, creamy corn, like corn pudding that is just a little undercooked. There is no corn husk, grassiness to the scent whatsoever, and it’s amazingly smooth when one considers it’s 64% ABV. Mind you, I was tasting from a tumbler, but even so it gave me no burn whatsoever!
The flavor is simple and full-bodied: thick, buttery sweet corn, but more bit sweeter than any sweet corn I’ve had. It’s not like sugar-added, but just more intense. The finish finally brings the corn husk out, but it’s quite smooth and understated. It’s warm, but not hot and with no bite at all. Once again, this is quite a surprise for such a strong and unaged liquor.
Simple, clear, big bodied and not even remotely harsh, this high octane sugar and corn ‘shine defies the rocket fuel stereotype. Try it neat or on ice; it will surprise you.
The Price
My survey of online retailers showed this was fetching $18 to $27 a jar.
Horse shit. If you don’t shudder from just a small sip of this stuff then you need to reevaluate your drinking habits.
All things considered, I take that as a compliment. Praise, even.
Have you tried it? I’d like to know how it is not some snot nose comment.
Fire water for sure. This isn’t wine, so why are we evaluating it like one? Yes I have purchased the product and ventured into the blue flame!
So fucking true 😅
In Poland it is sold at a ridiculously high price. When it’s not even a whiskey, but an average moonshine. Most of the guys here can produce better spirits in their barns or garages. You can take a sip of this blue liquid in bar, but it’s not worthy to buy the whole jar. I am highly dissapointed with this one.
I wouldn’t buy any unaged whiskey at a mark up, that is for sure.
Iv drank enough moonshine in my lifetime to float a battleship an after drinking this stuff I’m gonna assume you was paid for this stellar review because the jar I bought an drank was trash I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone is definitely bottom back row shelf alcohol
I drink the stuff to catch a quick buzz nothing else really matters..
It’s definitely blue flame but the taste to me is like a cheap tequila nothing else good for a quick buzz if taking shots but making mixed drinks simpley can not mask the taste I give this a 2 out of 5 stars
I would prefer taaka over this In some acations lol
I don’t see the cheap tequila, but I use mine to make a very Tennessee style riff on the Mule.
Why is it Blue?
Here in Florida it’s 19.99 per 24 ounce jar.
Not worth it. We at least use Quart jars
Good stuff. On my second run after purchasing the six mini jars and am on 750 ml now. 2 shots in and me and the girlie are feeling fine. It’s not a daiquiri for tasting the sweetness. Get that if you want it. This is stout and gives a stout drunk. Enjoy.
This BLUE FLAME is the most DISGUSTING flavor I’ve ever tasted. It tastes like gin to me, and gin is disgusting.
I just tried it for the first time and I concur. I’m not a liquor drinker per SE, however, I work in the tourism industry with my wife and after dealing with those assholes all day we decided to treat ourselves. I agree with everything you wrote with the acception of the burn. It was slight at first for me, then intensified a little slowly and eventually went away. It went down smoother than I thought it would and left me pleasantly buzzed along with my wife who is a lil tipsy at the moment thank you very much ole Smoky……
I’d like my money back .🤢 Found one I didn’t like. THIS…..
Blue flame is all I drink.its stout if you drink it hot, but straight out the freezer it is smooth as can be.the proof is just right. 2 shots will leave you feelimg nice. Seen alot of other types of ole smokeys, but I never tried any.