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What Drinks To Choose In A Casino Bar?

The vibes of a casino are remarkably different; there’s so much glitz and glamour everywhere. In the backdrop, rock music plays, which makes everyone groove. But gamers are in complete awe of casino games that take the stress out of them. For instance, JustCasino promotes the most assorted range of games for players.

Let’s get started with this guide that has a complete list of drinks one can choose while visiting a casino bar. It’s time to give up on your repetitive choice- scotch-on-the-rocks; instead, try something different. Without further ado, let’s quickly jump into the topic…

The Secret Sauce To Choosing The Perfect Casino Drink…

Prior to getting into the popular casino drinks, one might wonder how to select one from a myriad of options. While it’s important to keep changing your preferences, ensure to choose one that satisfies your taste buds, irrespective of what time of the day it is. Some might like spicy, others might prefer fruity alcohol- and that’s completely normal!

One thing people keep forgetting is that, in order to fit into the casino, it’s not mandatory for you to drink. You can simply hang out with a juice glass in your hand without having to apologize!

Another important consideration is the kind of gambling you are indulged in. If you are spending time at the slot machines, go for lighter drinks like Margarita or Mint Julep. On the other hand, those playing an intense table game should opt for something like whiskey to bring them into the right mood.

Are you taking a casual day trip to the casino? If yes, a fancy cocktail might not entertain you as much as a soda or lime drink. Daytime trips are not complete without a Bloody Mary or a sweet Pina Colada on your table. So, these were some common drinks one might choose to satisfy their taste buds. But wait, we have just started to get into details.

Top Drinks That Are Perfect For A Casino

Still, confused about the right drinks for making your game night fun? Here are a list of assorted options one can opt for:

Long Island Iced Tea

Don’t let the name misguide you, there’s actually no iced tea in this drink. But the Long Island Iced Tea is indeed a powerful drink and takes you to a different mood altogether. The drink is actually a sweet combination combing different liquors. But the content of liquors might be concerning sometimes.

There’s vodka, rum, gin, tequila, bourbon or gin along with some content of Coke included in riffs on this drink. So, if you love all these drinks together, the Long Island is the one for you. Trust me, the taste is heavenly and you are most likely to order it every time you visit a casino.

Pina Colada

Pina Colada is definitely a resort classic, but that doesn’t mean you cannot have it in a casino bar. After all, it enhances your overall gambling experience. If you play online casino games at, you can enjoy the drink at the comfort of your house. This will also make your gaming experience better.

Pina Colada is the best for people:

  • Who likes slushies
  • Who like coconut
  • Who want an alcohol beverage that has almost no alcohol-content

Rum is the leading liquor in this drink, but you are surely going to get a taste of both pineapple and coconut juice. It is well blended with ice, having a tropical fruit garnished on top.

Kir Royale

Kir Royale, yes you got it right, the infamous drink from Emily in Paris! I cannot recall how many times I have ordered it everytime I visit a casino or a bar. This pinkish cocktail needs nothing more than just two simple ingredients: first is crème de cassis and next is sparkling wine.

For those who don’t know, crème de cassis is a tart red liqueur primarily made out of crushed blackcurrants. Not only is it fruity but also too fizzy, you will absolutely love the taste! The only tip to remember is not to drink too much Kir Royale as it can make your head ache.

Whiskey Sour

Disclaimer: This drink is not for vegans! Whiskey Sour consists of egg whites, but it isn’t as ridiculous as it sounds. In fact, the egg whites are included in this drink with syrup, lemon juice and of course, whiskey.

If the casino bar is too fancy, they are likely to crack the eggs and squeeze the lime in front of your eyes. In case you are in a little divey place, you are likely to get a shot of pre-made sour mix with some whiskey. But honestly, both these drinks taste good and you should definitely try it once!


Last but not least, we have this Spanish wine punch on our list. The origins of Sangria aren’t clear, but the combination has always consisted of water, sugar, spices, and wine. Both the early Romans and Greeks used to drink it when they had a day full of work and recreation.

Hence, it becomes the perfect drink when you are about to hit a casino bar. You’ll definitely need something that takes away all your stress from the playing. And guess what, Sangria serves the exact purpose!

Concluding Words

Choosing the right type of drinks at the casino bar depends completely on your hands. But it is equally important to remember that drinking is just a part of your hobby, don’t make it a habit. Addiction, whether it is of casino or drinks, is never good. Hence, always be mindful while selecting a drink for yourself.

If you don’t like to socialize much and instead, play poker games at home, you can DIY these drinks at home, too. All you have to do is search for its recipe in Google, bring home the necessary ingredients and get, set, go! So, that’s all about it! Thank you for reading this guide till the end.

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