Below $30CStuffTennessee Whiskey

Jack Daniel’s Original No. 7 Barbecue Sauce Review

By Richard Thomas

Rating: C

Jack Daniel's Original No. 7 Barbecue SauceWhiskey-based barbecue sauces have gone from being a niche product found in distillery gift shops to a supermarket fixture, Jack Daniel’s line of barbecue sauces are a big part of why. The thing is that a barbecue sauce like the one I review here merely bears the Jack Daniel’s name, and doesn’t have even so much as a drop of Tennessee whiskey in it.

Don’t believe me? Go look on the back label. In the ingredients you will find natural and artificial Jack Daniel’s flavorings, whatever that means, under ingredients. Underneath that list is a clear statement that the sauce contains no alcohol. For all intents and purposes, Original No. 7 barbecue sauce is basically Heinz barbecue sauce, because Heinz is the company that actually makes it.

It tastes like the sort of thing that might come from Heinz or Kraft too. The Original No. 7 barbecue sauce is a bit smokier and tangier than the run of the mill brand name barbecue sauce, but it isn’t even part of the upper tier of that range, let alone a gourmet product made with real whiskey. Don’t let the name on the label fool you into thinking otherwise.


  1. I cannot find Jack Daniel’s Original No. 7 Barbecue Sauce anywhere it is usually found. The shelves for this product are empty at all of my local supermarkets. Has it been discontinued?

    1. If you go on the jack Daniels site you can purchase it. I just figured this out as well because I couldn’t find it anywhere over the past several months. Found it on their site!

  2. Sometime around 2019 the flavor of Jack Daniels original BBQ sauce was changed as was the bottle . I have tried the new JD BBQ sauce, but it just wasn’t the same flavor.
    Where can the old formula sauce be obtained & who bottles it.
    Also can you recommend another brand similar to the original? Perhaps a more upscale brand, concerned more about taste than cost.

  3. Hey does jack Daniel’s no 7 leave a detectable amount of alcohol in my system. I’m wearing an alcohol bracelet on my ankle. I had like two teaspoons. I didn’t know it had alcohol.

    1. This specific version we reviewed in 2012 did not. There may be a different Jack Daniel’s sauce that does. It should state on the label, in the ingredients at a minimum, if the sauce has an inherent alcohol content.

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