Pittsburgh’s Wigle Distillery Releases First Straight Whiskeys Today
By Richard Thomas

(Credit: Wigle Whiskey)
Wigle Whiskey passed a major milestone today with the release of its first straight whiskeys, or whiskeys that have passed the two year mark and met other standards as designated by Federal law.
That milestone consists of the release of two whiskeys, the Wigle Organic Wheat and the Wigle Organic Rye. These whiskeys are three years old, representing spirit that was barreled shortly after Wigle began operations in 2012. The barrels used were also larger than heretofore has been the case at Wigle, whose whiskey releases have come from spirit aged in 10- and 15-gallon barrels.
Located in the Strip District of Pittsburgh, Wigle Whiskey was the first distillery to operate in Pittsburgh since the closure of Joseph S. Finch’s distillery due to Prohibition. The company is named for Philip Wigle, who was hanged for his part in the 1794 Whiskey Rebellion, an event that was centered in western Pennsylvania.
Wigle’s White Rye, covered more than two years ago, remains the highest-ranked white whiskey reviewed by this publication.