The Best Whiskeys To Stash In Your Desk Drawer
By Richard Thomas

(Credit: Irish Distillers)
The bottle of whiskey kept in a desk drawer and trotted out as occasion demands is not just something from episodes of Mad Men. It is cultural fixture, observed in offices everywhere as much as it is depicted in books, film and television. Besides, few are allowed the privilege of maintaining an actual office bar these days, so socking a bottle away in a lower desk drawer is the only real alternative to having some potent booze handy.
What a white collar salary drone should keep handy in her desk is an entirely different issue. That choice has a lot to do with what you anticipate getting that bottle out for. Here are some workplace scenarios paired with an appropriate whisk(e)y:
For Private Go-To Sipping After 5: Wild Turkey 101
Everyone is going home but you, but after a full day you should unwind a little before getting on with working late. That is good cause to pour a finger or two of Wild Turkey 101 and have your own private happy hour. This somewhat underrated Bourbon has an outstanding balance between quality and price, which is important when you consider how regular a feature working late is in so many of our lives. Plus, “the Bird” offers a strong belt of a drink in a deceptively mellow package.
For Go-To Sharing With Your Colleagues: Jameson Black Barrel
If you intend your desk bottle to be shared frequently, then you want something which is on the one hand familiar and approachable. At the same time, you want a bottle that takes a step up from your average liquor, so as to impress your colleagues a little. Jameson Black Barrel checks off both boxes. Virtually everyone who went to college knows Jameson from their student dive bar days, but Black Barrel is a big step up from its standard, mass market cousin.

(Credit: Beam Suntory)
For When Disaster Strikes: Old Granddad 114
For when everything goes wrong and you want a double of whiskey to commiserate on, you want something stronger than normal. Those occasions call for Old Grandad 114. The brand is known for its spicy Bourbon, and upping the alcohol content to 57% really makes that sweet-but-spicy character big and bold. It will soothe your anxieties and drown your sorrows for sure.
For Impressing Your Boss: Glenfarclas 15 Year Old
The bottle you bring out for your superiors ought to be quite different from what you bring out for your colleagues, because the need to impress ought to be larger. When it comes to whiskey, Scotch is still the most reliable choice for name dropping and imparting a classy image.
One way to build on that is to have some Glenfarclas handy, as it allows you to explain how comparable The Glenfarclas is to the better known whiskies of The Macallan, while often being less expensive. Thus you will display thrift and erudition at the same time.
For Celebrating An Office Win: WhistlePig 10 Year Old
The sweet smell of victory is in the air, so it’s time to break out something special to celebrate. Your choice needs to be pricey, but not too pricey, and should have an age statement on it. It should also have a flavor profile that is generally approachable. WhistlePig 10 Year Old Rye meets those requirements handsomely. It will wow people, and, if they like whiskey at all, they are sure to enjoy it.
Glenfarclas, all the rest awful