Veronica Belmont Talks Whiskey
By Richard Thomas

and whiskey
(Credit: Veronica Belmont)
Just as the phrase “whiskey isn’t just for guys anymore” has become a cliche, so has “gaming isn’t just for guys anymore.” One woman who intersects both formerly almost male-only interests is gaming and gadget personality Veronica Belmont. A former producer and host for C-NET, Belmont has since hosted a variety of gaming and tech-interest programs, including most recently BBC America’s Gizmodo: The Gadget Testers. On top of games and tech, Belmont is also fond of the occasional bourbon and rye.
RT: So you’re a bourbon and rye girl. Which came first, the bourbon or the rye, and how did you get into that?
VB: I worked at a liquor and wine store for several years in Boston, Clarendon Wine Co. I would not say that my tastes were exactly mature at that point, but I began to learn a lot about what I liked and didn’t like. Back then it was a lot of Jack Daniels and Wild Turkey! So both at the same time, really.
RT: And which do you like more, bourbon or rye? Why is that?
VB: I don’t have a strong preference. I tend to go more for specific brands, Bulleit being one of my favorites. I drink their bourbon and rye regularly at home.
RT: How do you like your whiskey: neat, on the rocks, or with a little water?
VB: Depending on my mood I’ll do either on the rocks or with a touch of water. If I’m doing on the rocks, it’s very light. It usually depends on the quality of what I’m about to drink!
RT: Your career has you enmeshed in gaming and gadget circles. Do you think whiskey is a popular drink of choice among video gaming and tech fans?
VB: Hah! I really have no idea. In the genre fiction world (my other love) there are a ton of whiskey and scotch drinkers. I’m not sure if that’s the same in the gaming space! I think I’ve had more beer conversations with gamers, but I don’t want to generalize.
RT: You get home, pour yourself two fingers of whiskey, and settle in for a game. What game(s) might go with that drink?
VB: I’m playing a lot of Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag. This game heavily involves pirates, so I should probably be drinking rum. Koloa Rum is one of my favorites, from Kauai.
I think the whiskey would be for powering through my massive inbox, to take the edge off.
Mmm, liquor & gaming can be a relaxing combination.
I love bourbon & Tennessee whiskey but have yet to try rye, I’ve read it has a spice to it that I really must sample.
As a U.S. PlayStation fan I miss your coverage via QORE and wish you all the best in your pursuits. 🙂